Brampton Primary School

Life at Brampton Primary School Life at Brampton Primary School Life at Brampton Primary School Life at Brampton Primary School

Admission Arrangements

Admission to Nursery

All 3 and 4 year old children are entitled to 15 hours free (government funded) nursery education per week for 38 weeks of the year. 

We do offer 30 hour nursery placements for children of eligible parents. Eligibility depends on: 

  • If you are working (employed, self employed, or both)
  • your income (and your partner's income , if you have one) 
  • your child's age and circumstances

More information can be found on the Government website - 

Children attend our nursery for 3 hours per day (Monday to Friday).

Applications for nursery places should be made directly to the school office (01246 232817).

Parents are most welcome to visit our school prior to putting their child's name on our nursery waiting list.  Please contact school to arrange a time.  

Admission to Reception

Children start full time in Reception class in the September after their 4th birthday.

All applications should be made through Derbyshire County Council.  For more information and to apply online CLICK HERE or contact the Admissions Team at Derbyshire County Council by email 

Parents wishing to visit our school prior to making an application should contact our school on 01246 232817 to arrange an appointment.

Other Year Group Admissions (In-Year Applications)

If your child needs to move school at any other time, may be because of moving address, an application for an 'In Year' admission should be made to Derbyshire County Council.  For further information and details of how to apply online see Derbyshire County Council's website - CLICK HERE or email 

Parents wishing to look round our school before making an 'In-Year' application for a place at our school should contact us on 01246 232817.

Admissions Policy

We follow the Derbyshire Admissions Policy.  For all community and controlled schools individual pupils who have a Special Educational Need or Disability, or an Education Health Care plan, which names the school, will be admitted.

In deciding on admissions to all community and voluntary controlled schools in Derbyshire, the following order of priority will be adopted.

Looked after children and children who were looked after but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order).

  • Children living in the normal area served by the school at the time of application and admission who have brothers or sisters attending the school at the time of application and admission
  • Children living in the normal area served by the school at the time of application and admission
  • Children not living in the normal area served by the school but who have brothers or sisters attending the school at the time of application and admission
  • In the case of voluntary controlled church schools, children whose parents request a place on religious grounds
  • Other children whose parents have requested a place 

When in the case of 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 above, choices have to be made between children satisfying the same criteria, those children living nearest to the school (measured by straight line distance) will be given preference.

For further information on Derbyshire admission and appeal arrangements, please follow the link below:

Wraparound Childcare 

Brampton Primary School Breakfast Club 

For more information about our Breakfast Club please click here

Alternative Childcare Providers 

There are two local childminders who provide wraparound childcare and holiday care.  They can be contacted on the details below: 

Little Marvels Childcare - Kerry Noble, 07813247138, 

Tracey's Happy House - Tracey Hall, 07572843883,