Brampton Primary School

Life at Brampton Primary School Life at Brampton Primary School Life at Brampton Primary School Life at Brampton Primary School


At Brampton Primary School we believe in ‘PE and School Sport for All.’

Through high quality teaching of PE and School Sport, we aim for all our children to enjoy and engage in a wide variety of physical and sporting opportunities and to achieve their full potential.

We hope that through increased participation in the fundamental skills of PE, physical activities and competitive opportunities, all children will become confident and happy learners, who will have the desire to lead a healthy active lifestyle in adult life.

They will also learn and adopt key skills. We also want to teach children how to cooperate and collaborate with others as part of an effective team, understanding fairness and equity of play to embed life-long values.

Through PE, we will also emphasise the importance of being physically active to promote positive mental health and well-being.


Brampton Primary School use the Real PE and Real Gym Scheme across all Key Stages, alongside ‘Fine and Gross Motor’ skills in EYFS, Active for Life in Key Stage 1 and sports specific games in Key Stage 2.

In addition to this, children will access Outdoor and Adventurous opportunities in Year 4 and Year 6 through residential trips and in Year 5, children will access swimming lessons at Queens Park.

 Teachers ensure they maintain a high level of subject knowledge through regular training and professional development.

  • We strongly encourage all pupils to use subject specific topic related vocabulary.

  • We are a well-equipped and resourced school.

  • Children are provided with regular opportunities to develop strategies for questioning and thinking.

  • In our school we have a rigorous monitoring process which is kept up to date and works towards our school improvement plan.


Pupils will be more active, healthier, have acquired and developed fundamental movement and skills relating to a range of sports, gymnastics, dance and swimming. Pupils social and emotional skills will be developed:

Personal: Take responsibility for learning, accept critical feedback and make changes.

Social: Lead and motivate others to perform better.

Applying Physical: Transfer skills and movements across a range of activities and sports, with consistency.

Cognitive: Review and analyse my own and others’ strengths and areas for improvement.

Creative: Effectively use tactics in a game and use variety and interest to engage an audience

Health and fitness: Explain why fitness is important and can improve effectiveness in activities, roles and events.  Actively join in with fitness related activities.


Year Group

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Term 5

Term 6


Real PE Core Unit 1

Every Child a Mover

Real PE Gym

Every Child a Mover


Real PE Core Unit 2

Every Child a Mover

Real PE Unit 1 Dance

Every Child a Mover

Real PE Core PE Unit 3

Every Child a Mover

Real PE Core PE Unit 4

Every Child a Mover

Year 1/2

Real PE Unit 1 Personal

Real Gym

Unit 1

Real PE

Unit 5 Physical

Real Dance

Unit 1

Real PE

Unit 2 Social

 Real Gym 

Unit 2


Real PE

Unit 4 Creative

Real Dance

Unit 2


Real PE

Unit 3 Cognitive


Athletics/ OAA

Real PE

 Unit 6 Health & Fitness

Intro. to small sided games

Year 3/4


Real PE

Unit 2




Real PE

Unit 1 Cognitive



Topic related

e.g. Egyptians

Real PE

Unit 5


Ball Skills

Real PE

Unit 6



Real PE

Unit 4



Real PE

Unit 5

Health & Fitness


Year 5/6

Real PE

Unit 1 Cognitive

Attacking & Defending

Real PE

Unit 2



(Topic related)

Real PE

Unit 4


Real Gym

Real PE

Unit 3





Real PE

Unit 5

Health & Fitness

Real PE

Unit 6


Net Games
